I once visited Panacan Public Market here in Davao City, Philippines. What I saw made me tremble...
Many Davaoenos both young and old, able and those disabled clinged on to their priority numbers and fell in the longest line I've ever seen, as if holding on to a life line. This, I've realized is a common truth that both you and I will encounter everyday of our Lives. It's as if, It was just yesterday that our 100 pesos could still afford 5 kilos of rice wether it be commercial or NFA rice.
I believe so, that you have realized it yourselves...What is Happening?
Is it our fault or the government's fault? Should I say, Time will come It will be just the same or It will never be the same...Filipinos especially to the youth, WAKE UP! Don't let this crisis drown us in a never-ending nightmare! Don't ask me what to do..ask yourselves WHAT CAN I DO? For only you can tie your own shoe lace the way want it to be. I'm not the type of person who'll conduct seminars and lectures on how to survivie in this gobal dilemma...Instead, I'm the one who'll confirm every single thought that's in your mind. For I firmly believe, that you already have thought of what you should do...It just needs confirmation wether it's right or it's wrong.
Indeed, Every Now and Then people change, Every Now and then we encounter a new face...
And I hope, That Every and Now Then, A new Philippines will rise...
Vita Jule
1 comment:
Rice shortage is really a crucial issue because it is currently experienced here in our country based on the news i've heard. However, there are still some factors which made me confuse about this certain topic. Is this really true? How come we are running out of rice where in fact we were the exporters of it, right?. Is this issue a cover up just to make the ZTE scandal fade away?
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